Butterflies Learning Centre :: Emotional Support

One to One

In order to create an emotional supportive environment to ensure that children remain stable and succeed academically, one has to consider the whole person. Social and family interactions play a huge role in children’s lives and keeping a balance between them is key to favourable outcomes.

A healthy and balanced social life is also reflected in their school / academic work, as it increase resilience, builds confidence, decreases complaining or resistance to other’s requests, avoids unpleasant feelings towards self and others. Children can be taught how to channel their energy to work through their feelings and stresses and to independently find solution and strategies for their problems.

At BLC we provide a supportive, safe and confidential environment were children can share their feelings, feel heard and just ‘unleash’ their anxieties. We guide them to find the most suitable solutions and how to manage their internal conflicts before they escalate, particularly during the usually more troublesome teenage years. We listen to the child’s concern without passing judgement and provide them with bespoken strategies to overcome their insecurities

Butterflies Learning Centre :: Emotional Support

Accompanying children with learning difficulties

In-school support provided by our educators for children requiring different learning strategies or needing adapted learning methods. We work in close partnership with the homeroom teachers to ensure children receive the support for their particular needs.

This service is also available at the BLC centre (see Tutoring 1 to 1).

Psychologist Support

The BLC works in close collaboration with a psychologist who provides support to the team by carrying out observations to the group of children whenever there are challenges regarding our student’s school life.

Should the need arise for a more specific intervention the BLC will contact the family directly in order to offer the services of our psychologist. These services are independent and entail an extra cost to be negotiated directly between the family and the Psychologist.

More information about our collaborator Catarina Correia Rolo can be found here

Expert in this matter

Catarina Rolo

Catarina’s got a degree in Educational Psychology.

People’s relationships with themselves and with each other have been the cause for many moments of great reflection and study for Catarina. This has prompted her to further her studies into Family Therapy and deepen her knowledge in the field of clinical psychology.

Catarina Correia Rolo